June News

My Blog
Mistress April’s Boutique Store
In case you missed it, you can now own your favourite Mistress April movie when you visit the shop and buy for download. Choose from any of the movies in the gallery as well as the Kaviar gallery, proceed to payment after which you will receive a downloadable link and you can watch the movie/s any time and as often as you like! Who knows, one day you may own a collectors piece of the infamous Mistress April !
Save with Bundle Deal
For those who enjoy both the Main gallery and the Kaviar gallery entertainment, take advantage of the bundle deal. Make your selection and pay on one gallery to access 2, pay one set of transaction fees, receive one set of access credentials! Sounds like a good deal to me.
Mistress April is in Germany!
I must say I am very excited to be in Berlin again. I arrived on a hot and steamy day with the air filled with the smell of smoke and then the next day it rained! Well regardless of the weather, I am very happy to be back.
I am participating in the Kuk torture prison event as a warden at the beginning of July! Looking forward to torturing many unworthy prisoners!
I have converted the wood room in my home in Bavaria to a “torture block house”. Book your time with me and experience torture at the hands of your Mistress out in the forest!
Besides having a bit of a break and enjoying the European summer, I will also be hard at work with slaves and my prison event and of course creating new content for you hungry perverts. If you want to be in a famous Mistress April production then complete the application form and lets see what I can do with you.
I hope to meet many of my loyal online slave fans… so be sure to make a booking.

Can you kidnapp me and train me to be a woman
I see, just let me know where you are and maybe one day as you casually go about your business you may find yourself in the back of my car!