December news

My Blog
What’s in the gallery this December
The past 4 weeks have been busy filming weeks! Making new content for all you devoted slaves and even the pathetic ones. There is so much for you to look forward to.
Here you can see a sneak peak in photos of the fun I have had in recent weeks.

New on Gallery
A Slave’s Bath
I love putting my slave in uncomfortable positions and making it difficult for him move or serve me properly. Although here I make good use of his stupid head as its not worthy of much else. I use his head as a penis and I watch as the bath water fills up to his mouth as he is restrained
Coming later this month to the gallery
Soon you can watch the Grossenhein File on the gallery. Make sure to keep checking for when its available just before Christmas
New from Natalia Kapretti on the Kaviar Gallery
Sign up for a bundle deal and get the best of both worlds. All movies available in the Boutique Store.