August News

My Blog
Europe thus far!
Its been a busy time since I arrived in Europe! Ive been here, there and every where.
I participated in an event at Kuk, shot a movie at JVA Grossenhein Prison, took a spontaneous holiday to Croatia, had a slave visit me in Berlin and my Block House and of course my successful prison event!
Now its time for a little time to breathe before some more filming and a slave or two.
See below the highlights… but those who wish to see what happened in my prison, well you will have to wait

Whats to see on the gallery?
I received a Tantaly sex doll to test and promote! Well I had a lot of fun getting idiot slave Ares to test the doll and he enjoyed it so much he got carried away and ejaculated without permission, but he was forgiven as I got quite turned on watching him enjoy himself with the doll! So pervert.
If you want to own a Tantaly Doll, visit their website and you can get a discount if you use my code: – The discount code is called MistressApril.

New on the Kaviar Gallery
A video taken in secret of me enjoying an outdoor dump!